1. Write a Java program to sort a numeric array.
2. Write a Java program to sum values of an array
3. Write a Java program to calculate the average value of array
4. Write a Java program to test if an array contains a specific value
5. Write a Java program to find the index of an array element
9. Write a Java program to copy an array by iterating the array.
Write a Java program to
remove a specific element from an array.
Write a Java
program to reverse an array of integer values.
Write a Java
program to find the duplicate values of an array of integer values
Write a Java
program to find all pairs of elements in an array whose sum is equal to a
specified number.
Write a Java
program to test the equality of two arrays
Write a Java program to
find the number of even and odd integers in a given array of integers.
Write a Java
program to find common elements from three sorted (in non-decreasing order)
Write a Java
program to compute the average value of an array of integers except the largest
and smallest values
Write a Java program to
check if an array of integers without 0 and -1.
Write a Java program to
remove the duplicate elements of a given array and return the new length of the
Write a Java program to
print all the LEADERS in the array. Go to the editor
Note: An element is leader if it is greater than all the elements to its right side.
Note: An element is leader if it is greater than all the elements to its right side.
Write a Java program to
find the two elements from a given array of positive and negative numbers such
that their sum is closest to zero.
Write a Java program to
find all combination of four elements of an given array whose sum is equal to a
given value
Write a Java program to
count the number of possible triangles from an given unsorted array of positive
Write a Java program to
cyclically rotate a given array clockwise by one
Write a Java
program to check whether there is a pair with a specified sum of a given sorted
and rotated array.
Write a Java program to
arrange the elements of an given array of integers where all negative integers
appear before all the positive integers.
Write a Java program to
arrange the elements of an given array of integers where all positive integers
appear before all the negative integers.
Write a Java program to
sort an array of positive integers of an given array, in the sorted array the
value of the first element should be maximum, second value should be minimum
value, third should be second maximum, fourth second be second minimum and so
Write a Java program to
separate even and odd numbers of an given array of integers. Put all even
numbers first, and then odd numbers.
Write a Java
program to replace every element with the next greatest element (from right
side) in an given array of integers.
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