Header Files

Header Files:-

Ø  In ‘c, a number of pre-defined functions are available to perform various tasks.  To use these functions, we have to include the corresponding header file in which the function is available.

1. stdio.h:-  (standard input output library functions).
·         When any of the functions getchar ( ), qets ( ), putchar ( ), puts ( ), scanf( ), printf ( ) is used the header file stdio.h has to be included.

2.  math.h:-  (mathematical functions)
                        1. pow ( ):-This function returns xn value.
                                     Syntax:-      pow (x,n);      Eg:- pow (5,3)=53=125.

                 2. sqrt ( ):-This function performs square root of the given number.
                                    Syntax:-  sqrt (n);        Eg:- sqrt (81)=9.

                 3. log ( ):-This function returns natural logarithm of the given number.
                                    Syntax:-  log (n);         Eg:-  log (8);

                4. log10 ( ):-This functions returns logarithm value of the given number to the base 10.
Syntax:-   log10 (n);  Eg:- log10(10)=1

    5. exp( ):-This function returns er value.
Syntax:-  exp (x);      Eg:-  exp(3);

               6. ceil ( ):-This function returns the next higher integer value of the given number.
Syntax:- ceil(n);     Eg:- ceil (17.7)=18            ceil (1b.1)=17.

              7. floor( ):-This function returns the  integer value less than or equal to the given number.
Syntax:-   floor (n);   Eg:-          floor (17.7) = 17      floor(16.1) = 16.
            Cos, acos,  cosh, sin, asin, sinh, tan, atan, tanh are also the functions under this header file.

3.  Stdlib.h:- (standard Library functions header file)

(i) abs( ):-This functions returns the absolute value of a given, integer.
Syntax:-     abs (integer value);  Eg:-  abs (-17); =17.
(ii) fabs( ):-This functions returns absolute value (modulus) of  a given floating point number.
            Syntax:-   fabs (float value);   Eg:-       fabs (-17.6) = 17.6.

(iii)  ato i ( ):-This function converts the given string to an integer value.
Syntax:-   atoi(string);     Eg:-   atoi (“123”) =123.

(iv) atof ( ):-This function converts the given string into floating point value.
Syntax:-  atof (string);   Eg:-   atof (“ 123.56”) = 123.560000.

4.  ctype. h:-  (character testing and conversion functions)

(i) isalpha( ):-This function checks whether the given character is an alphabet (or) not.   
If it is an alphabet, it returns a non-zero value and otherwise a zero value.
is alpha(‘a’);            True
isalpha (‘a’)             True             (non-zero)
            isalpha(‘2’)              Flase              (zero)

(ii)  isalnum( ):- This function checks whether the given character is an alphabet or a number.  If true it returns a non-zero value other wise a zero value.
                         isalnum(‘1’)            True  (non-zero)
                        isalnum(‘q’)            False (zero)
(iii)  isdigit ( ):-This function checks whether the given character is a digit or not.  If true it returns a non-zero value otherwise a zero value.

            Eg:- isdigit (‘a’)        True   (non zero)
                    Isdigit(‘*’)         False (zero)

(iv)  islower ( ):-This function checks whether the given character is a Lower case alphabet or not.  If it is a small letter  it returns a non-zero value otherwise a zero value.
                    islower (‘b’)        True (non-zero)
                    islower (‘A’)        False (zero)

(v)  isupper ( ):-This function checks whether the given character is a upper case alphabet or not.  If it is a capital letter is returns a non-zero value otherwise a zero value.
                      isupper (‘B’)       True  (non-zero)
                     isupper(‘q’)         False (zero)

            (vi)  toupper ( ):-This function converts the given small letters to an upper case letter.
Eg:-           toupper (‘b’)=B          

            (vii) tolower ( ):-
                                    This function converts the given capital letters to a Lower case letter.
            Eg;-                  tolower (‘B’) =b
                                     tolower (‘Q’)=q

(viii) toascii( ):-This function returns the equivalent ASCII value for the given character.
Eg:-         toascii (‘a’) = 97
                    toascii(‘B’) = 66

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