Program to delete an element from an array at specified position.
Program to find second smallest and second largest numbers from array.
Program to find duplicate element in k-distance. If found print "YES" otherwise "NO".
Program that calculate the fractions of its elements that are positive, negative and zeros.
☞ program to merge two arrays of same size sorted in descending order
☞program to insert New value in the array (sorted list ).
☞ Program to Find the Sum of Contiguous Subarray within a 1 – D Array of Numbers which has the Largest Sum.
☞ Program to Split an Array from Specified Position & Add First Part to the End
☞ Program to identify missing Numbers in a given Array
☞ Program to Segregate 0s on Left Side & 1s on right side of the Array
☞ Program to Find 2 Elements in the Array such that Difference between them is Largest
☞ Program to Find the two Elements such that their Sum is Closest to Zero
☞ Program to Find if a given Integer X appears more than N/2 times in a Sorted Array of N Integers
☞ Program to Find Ceiling & Floor of X given a Sorted Array & a value X
☞ Write a program to find the majority element of an array
☞ Write a program to find the number occurring odd number of times in an array.
☞ Write a program to perform addition of two matrices using python.
☞ Write a program to Transpose a matrix
☞ Write a program to Check whether a given matrix is upper triangle or not
☞ Write a program toCheck whether a matrix is lower triangle or not.
☞ Write a program to find find maximum element in each row.
☞ Write a program to find Find maximum element in each column of a matrix.
☞ Print matrix in spiral form
☞ Write a program to Rotate the matrix in 90 degrees.
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